Language Development
Language arts is the combination of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Language development is a critical part of your child’s overall development. It allows them to communicate and express and understand their feelings and ideas. This is developed through group and individual activities and during play.
Cognitive Development
Cognitive Development deals with a child’s learning, thinking, and reasoning abilities. This includes learning numbers, colors, and shapes. As well as following commands, memory and recollection, and imaginative play and storytelling. Their cognitive development is encouraged by learning in a group setting. The information is reinforced during individual project activities. All children develop at their own rate, and any concerns about a child’s cognitive development will be discussed with the family.
Physical Development
Physical development is broken down into gross and fine motor skills. Gross motor skills include things like walking with balance, running around obstacles, and throwing and kicking a ball. Fine motor skills include things like picking up small items, using child scissors, tracing shapes, and assembling puzzles. The children’s gross motor skill development is promoted through plenty of indoor and outdoor play. While the fine skills are developed through craft activities.
Social Development
As children develop socially, they begin to play with their friends instead of just next to them. They learn how to take turns and interact with each other as they create imaginative scenarios to play out. They also start to understand their feelings as well as the feelings of others. The children’s social skills are developed through group learning and plenty of time to play and interact with each other.
Infants & Toddlers
- Healthy attachment relationships are very important for successful early learning during the infant and toddler years.
- Infant and toddlers learn best through play, sensory interaction and intentional activities through routine care.
- Infant and toddler learning is enhanced when families and caregivers work together to provide high quality care.
- Language and early literacy development are supported throughout the day.
- Potty training is developed with parent involvement.
- Preschoolers learn best when they are able to construct knowledge through play, actively exploring. their environment and through planned activities.
- Language and early literacy is developed through activities encouraging creativity.
- General knowledge of words, letters and sounds.
- Scientific and Mathematical thinking can be incorporated through play and creative arts to express their ideas.
- General knowledge of shapes, colors, and numbers.
- Social studies begins with children’s personal experiences and their initial understanding of themselves in relation to their families, home and school. Gradually they expand their understanding to include communities and the larger world.
- General knowledge of names, addresses, family members and community helpers.
- Children’s health and wellness is directly related to strengthening the gross and fine motor muscles. Children will have experiences indoor and outdoor in which they can use their bodies to explore their environment.
- General knowledge of body parts, self-help skills, nutrition, and physical activity.
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